It's a typical Easter weekend here in London. It's grey and miserable, though not cold (about 12-14C or 54-57F), so there are no frost worries. In fact, it's perfect planting weather - if one could muster the enthusiasm to get out in the garden.
It's not as if I haven't got anything to do out there, so I've been trying various "eject-myself- from-house" tactics. First I read Helen Yemm's column in the Saturday Telegraph, which usually has the effect of propelling me gardenwards in the same way that some people find a strong cup of coffee helps them on their way to work. Unfortunately I was busy yesterday doing other things, so the effect wore off before I had time to get outside.
Then I looked at the herbs (see above) that I bought at New Covent Garden Market the other morning. That didn't work - it was incredibly easy to persuade myself that they'll happily sit there for another few days.
So I went to the Rare Plant Fair at Syon Park in west London today, and bought some hardy geraniums (G macrorrhizum album and 'Blue Sunrise') and a couple of 'Charity' scented pelargoniums. By complete chance, I also met Julia of We're Going To Need A Bigger Pot. I'd never met her before, but she turned around to speak to someone and I recognised her from her Facebook picture. She lives near Syon too, so I was fairly confident I was accosting the right person.
It was great to chat to her and to see what she'd bought (euphorbia, ferns, wasabi), and to pick her brains about ferns, and ask her about her Spanish field trip. We decided we needed to have a London garden bloggers meeting and talked about where this might be and who might come.

Oops, I could do with loading up the washing machine as well...
So I went to the Rare Plant Fair at Syon Park in west London today, and bought some hardy geraniums (G macrorrhizum album and 'Blue Sunrise') and a couple of 'Charity' scented pelargoniums. By complete chance, I also met Julia of We're Going To Need A Bigger Pot. I'd never met her before, but she turned around to speak to someone and I recognised her from her Facebook picture. She lives near Syon too, so I was fairly confident I was accosting the right person.
It was great to chat to her and to see what she'd bought (euphorbia, ferns, wasabi), and to pick her brains about ferns, and ask her about her Spanish field trip. We decided we needed to have a London garden bloggers meeting and talked about where this might be and who might come.
Our encounter failed to get me out in the garden, however, because as soon as I got home I jumped on the computer instead.
Anyway, now it's time for Gardeners' Question Time, so I'm going to listen to that and hope it will inspire me. Pause here for a short intermission.
Well, I've listened to GQT and it did inspire me to go outside, specifically to move the trampoline so I can replant that area. I enlisted the help of my 6ft son, and between the two of us, we managed to get it upright. The trampoline is 10ft in diameter and the plan was to roll it under the cherry tree at the end of the garden and lean it against the back fence, out of the way. Well, of course, it wouldn't go under the cherry tree. All it seemed to want to do was to fall over on top of my son and myself, so, cursing, we put it back where it was.
I'm now on the computer again, instead of getting on with the chores. Will someone please give me a good kick up the backside?
The recalcitrant trampoline, now back where it started. I swear it's laughing at me.
But on the plus side, there are things happening in the garden that require absolutely no intervention from me whatsoever. Just as well...