Eventually, I got almost everything that needed doing done, and nearly all the rubbish disposed of, thanks to my son who helped me heave it all into the car. I've still got a few odds and ends to sort out, but basically, things look OK.
At least, they will look OK until the photographer gets here, at which point I shall notice a large strand of bindweed waving about, and a plant that I forgot to pot up, and a bunch of dead leaves in the pond, and ... several other things, I daresay.
I love the light after a storm. I nearly fell down the step rushing out into the garden to photograph these cannas while a single ray of sun shone down on them.
The shadow of the cordyline on the lawn looks like something out of Sesame Street - Big Bird, perhaps.
If you don't look too closely, my hostas still look OK. That's a canna in the front, helping the illusion along.
My bargain Washingtonias from Homebase. I love the way the light shines through their leaves.
Eucomis, pelargoniums and Carex oshimensis 'Evergold'